SHR-650型、及650II型水泥水化熱測定儀(溶解熱法) MODELSHR-650&650IICALORIMETERICAPPARATUS(theheatofsolutionmethod) 符合國家標準GB/T12959《水泥水化熱測定方法(溶解熱法)》
MODEL SHR-650 & 650II CALORIMETERIC APPARATUS(the heat of solution method)
For the determination of the heat of hydration of cement by measuring the heat of solution of the dry cement and the heat of solution of a separate portion of the cement,the difference between their values being the heat of hydration for the respective hydrating period.
( SHR-650 II 型 )主要技術參數:
1. 真空杜瓦瓶------------------ 2個
2. 真空杜瓦瓶容積-------------- 650 cc
3. 真空杜瓦瓶內徑-------------- 直徑75 mm
4. 真空杜瓦瓶深度-------------- 160 mm
5. 真空量級 ------------------- 4×10?? Torr
6. 保溫水槽容積---------------- 68 L
7. 酸液攪拌棒轉速-------------- 500 r/min
8. 酸液攪拌電機---------------- 2臺、15 W/臺
9. 水槽攪拌電機功率------------ 8 W
10. 制熱電阻功率---------------- 1000 W
11. 電壓------------------------ 220V / 50Hz