Black Phosphorus粉末 黑磷粉末(1g) 參考價:面議
Black Phosphorus粉末 黑磷粉末(1g)純度:99.9995%重量:1g制備方法:使用再提純后的超高純單質高真空密封燒結用途:用于生長制備二維晶體...BP 黑磷晶體 Black Phosphorus (0.5g) 參考價:面議
We offer most economic, massive size (0.5 grams), and highly crystalline scienti...Phosphorene (1.0 gram) 磷烯晶體-1g裝 參考價:面議
We offer most economic, massive size (1.0 gram), and highly crystalline scientif...單層黑磷溶液 參考價:面議
This product contains black phosphorus (BPs) mono- and few-layer flakes solution...CVD銅基多層氮化硼薄膜(2*2) 參考價:面議
Multilayer h-BN (Boron Nitride) film is grown onto 50 um thick copper foils. h-B...CVD銅基單層氮化硼薄膜 參考價:面議
Single layer h-BN (Boron Nitride) monolayer thick film is grown onto 50 um thick...h-BN Flakes Powder 氮化硼薄片粉末 參考價:面議
This product contains small crystallites of h-BN layered flakes that can be used...h-BN 氮化硼晶體 參考價:面議
Our h-BN crystals reach at most to 2mm in size and are considered as gold standa...基于銅基的單層氮化硼薄膜(5*2.5cm) 參考價:面議
Single layer h-BN (Boron Nitride) film grown in copper foil.h-BN is an insulator...基于285nm二氧化硅基底的單層氮化硼薄膜 參考價:面議
Single Layer CVD hexagonal Boron Nitride Film on 285 nm SiO2/Si substrates (p-do...基于銅基的多層氮化硼薄膜(52.5cm) 參考價:面議
Specifications:Close to complete coverage (90-95%), with some minor holesAverage...CVD六方氮化硼薄膜(基底可選) 參考價:面議
單層、雙層、多層等需求定制;尺寸:1*1cm基底:石英基底/PET基底/藍寶石基底/Sio2/Si單層、雙層、多層等需求定制;尺寸:1*1cm基底:石英基底/P...六方氮化硼晶體(20片裝) 參考價:面議
六方氮化硼晶體(20片裝) hBN(Hexagonal Boron Nitride)-Crystal晶體尺寸:~1mm電學性能:絕緣體/半導體晶體結構:六邊形晶...Monolayer h-BN Solution 單層氮化硼溶液 參考價:面議
This product contains h-BN mono- and few-layer flakes solution in ethanol.