臭氧O3氣體測毒管182U OZONE 0.025-3.0ppm 臭氧屬于有害氣體,濃度為 6.25×10mol/L(0.3mg/m3 ) 時,對眼、鼻、喉有刺激的感覺;濃度 (6.25-62.5)×10 -5 mol/L(3 ~ 30mg/m3 ) 時,出現頭疼及呼吸器官局部麻痹等癥 ; 臭氧濃度為 3.125×10 -4 ~ 1.25×10 -3 mol/L(15 ~ 60mg/m 3 ) 時 , 則對人體有危害。其毒性還和接觸時間有關,例如*接觸 1.748×10 -7 mol/L(4ppm) 以下的臭氧會引起*性心臟障礙,但接觸 20ppm 以下的臭氧不超過 2h ,對人體無*性危害。因此,臭氧濃度的允許值定為 4.46×10 -9 mol/L(0.1ppm)8h. 由于臭氧的臭味很濃,濃度為 4.46×10 -9 mol/L(0.1ppm) 時,人們就感覺到,因此,世界上使用臭氧已有一百多年的歷史,至今也沒有發現一例因臭氧中毒而導致死亡的報道。 Tube 82U 1. PERFORMANCE 1) Measuring range :0.15-3.0 ppm 0.05-1.0 ppm 0.025-0.5 ppm Number of pump strokes 1(100ml) 3(300ml) 6(600ml) 2) Sampling time :3 minutes/3 pump strokes 3) Detectable limit :0.01 ppm(600ml) 4) Shelf life :2 years 5) Operating temperature :0~40℃ 6) Reading :Direct reading from the scale calibrated by 3 pump strokes 7) Colour change :Blue→White 2. RELATIVE STANDARD DEVIATION RSD-low:10% RSD-mid.:5% RSD-high:5% 3. CHEMICAL REACTION Indigo is oxidized and Isatin is produced. 4. CALIBRATION OF THE TUBE COLOURIMETRY METHOD 5. INTERFERENCE AND CROSS SENSITIVITY 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 ppm 300ml GAS To pump 182U OZONE Substance Interference ppm Coexistence The top of discoloured layer Nitrogen dioxide Similar stain is produced. 0.5 becomes unclear and higher FIG.1 readings are given. Chlorine 〃10 Oxidant Similar stain is produced and this has same sensitivity with Ozone. (NOTE) In case of 1 or 6 pump strokes, following formula is available for actual concentration. Actual concentration=Reading value × 0 0.4 0.6 0.2 Nitrogen dioxide〔ppm〕? FIG.1 Influence of Nitrogen dioxide Ozone indicating value 〔ppm〕 0.5 1.0 3 Number of strokes C NH HN C O =? O C =? =C C NH C O =? +2O3 ? 2 =O+2O2 |