使用創新型的梅特勒-托利多熔點儀系統安全。可以非常準確地測定熔點與熔程。自動透光率測量和以反光模式進行的同步可視照相觀測確保結果可靠。 可同時測量多達 6 個樣品并且加熱與冷卻時間短(一種采用封閉爐原理的產品),可使您同步進行多個樣品測試。...
MP50 熔點儀系統 MP70 熔點儀系統 MP90 熔點系統 Temperature range RT up to 300 °C RT up to 350 °C RT up to 400 °C Heating rate 0.1 to 20 °C per minute 0.1 to 20 °C pro minute 0.1 to 20 °C per minute Measurement accuracy 30…200 °C ± 0.2 °C ± 0.2 °C ± 0.2 °C Measurement accuracy 200°C…Tmax ± 0.5 °C ± 0.5 °C ± 0.5 °C Heating time up to Tmax 4 minutes 5 minutes 6 minutes Cooling time from Tmax 6.5 minutes 7 minutes 7.5 minutes Number of capillaries Up to 4 Up to 4 Up to 6 Display 5.7” VGA-Color touch screen 5.7” VGA-Color touch screen 5.7” VGA-Color touch screen User management No 是 Yes One Click™ (short cuts) Max. 12 Max. 12 per User Max. 12 per User Storable methods - 20 60 Stored results 后 10 個 后 50 個 后 100 個 Video Gray-scale video, >6x magnification Color AVI, >6x magnification Color AVI, >6x magnification Playback on the instrument Yes Yes Yes Power 120 W 120 W 120 W Dimensions LxH in cm 18x35x19 18x35x19 18x35x19 Weight in kg 4 4 4 Data export No To SD-card or PC To an SD-card PDF reports No 是 Yes 21 CFR part 11 ready No 是 (with LabX software) Yes, with LabX software