乳成份分析儀 乳成份檢測儀 乳成份測量儀 乳成份測定儀 型號:JC10-EKOMILK-M-DMA 技術特點 90秒檢測8項指標,脂肪,非脂乳固體,密度,蛋白質,乳糖、加水率、冰點、灰分 液晶顯示 內置自動清洗系統 可連續工作8個小時以上 內部防震性能良好配備工具箱 外觀小巧、設計簡單、攜帶方便 檢測指標(重復性R、G標準) 脂肪:0.5%~12%±0.1% 非脂乳固體:6%-12%±0.2% 密度:1.0260g/m3±1.0330g/m3±0.0005g/m3 蛋白質:2%-6%±0.2% 加水率:0%-60%±5% 冰點:0.1000°C-0°C±0.015°C 乳糖:1.50%-7.0%±0.15% 工作環境: 室溫:15-30°C 乳溫:15-30°C 相對濕度:30%-80% 產品特點: 測定方法簡單:無需酸堿及任何輔助試劑。 使用方法:可與汽車電源連接使用,耗電量少。 功能齊全:標準RS232接口輸出, 產品應用領域,流動式收奶:奶牛養殖小區:奶站及實驗室 Milk Analyzers are designed for fast and cost effective analysis of the fat contents, milk solids non fat (SNF), protein, milk density for cow, sheep, buffalo, goat, etc. milk and added water to milk as well. Measuring Parameters Fatness 0.5% - 9% ± 0.1% Solids non fat (SNF) 6% - 12% ± 0.2% Milk density 1,0260 g/cm3 - 1,0330 g/cm3± 0.0005 g/cm3 Protein 2% - 6% ± 0.2% Added water to milk 0% - 60% ± 5% pH 0,00 - 14pH ± 0,02 Key Feature Conditions Simple and lightweight design; 12V DC and 220V AC/110 V AC (optional) Power supply Car battery useable Cost effective: Low power consumption; Very small quantity of milk required; No acid or other chemicals are used; One year full warranty; Measuring accuracy adjustment can be done by the user; RS 232 Interface; ESC POS Printer Support Environmental Conditions: Ambient air temperature 15° - 30°C Milk temperature 15° - 30°C Relative humidity 30% - 80% Electrical Parameters: AC Power Supply voltage 220V +10%/-15% 110V +10%/-15% DC Power Supply voltage 12V to 14,2V Power Consumption 30W max Mechanical Parameters: Dimensions (DxH) 95 x 300 x 250 mm Weight < 3,5 kg 北京北信科儀分析儀器有限公司 地址:北京市昌平區西三旗龍旗廣場2號樓 :李 :
: : :http://www.bxequ.com |