產品簡介 HT-12P油浴紅外線高溫染樣機是華泰TILO新一代研發的紅外線輻射熱傳導式染樣機。該機集中了紅外線機和甘油機的特點,克服了它們的不足,是染樣機領域的一場技術革命,必將給紡織行業帶來巨大的經濟效益和社會效益。 主要特點 1、沒有油煙等污染,是理想的環保產品; 2、不但免去甘油消耗,還比油浴機節電70%,比普通紅外線機節電50% 3、生產效率高,升溫速率可達8℃以上,>100℃降溫時速率>4.5℃ 4、可在同一次試驗中做不同浴比的試驗,也可在不同的時間插入或取出染杯 5、控溫精確穩定,可確保小樣和小樣、小樣和大樣非常接近,可以充當其他品種染樣機的“復樣機”; 6、采用全新的測控溫技術,可確保該機長期穩定運轉,壽命遠高于普通紅外線機。 主要技術參數 型號 | HT-12P | 試杯數量 | 12杯 | 鋼杯材質 | 316L一次拉伸成型 | 試杯規格 | 300ml | 轉動速度 | 0.2-60次/min | 溫控范圍 | 室溫-140℃ | 溫控精度 | ±05℃ | 升溫速率 | 0.2-4℃/min | 加熱功率 | 4kw | 冷卻方式 | 強制風冷 | 加熱介質 | 紅外線 | 電源 | AC220V/380V | HT-12P Oil-bath infrared high-temperature dyeing machine (General) HT-12P Oil-bath infrared high-temperature dyeing machine is successfully researched &developed By us after solving a lot of technological difficulties.Itconcentrates the advantages of Conventional Glycerin Sample Dyeing Machine and Infrared Sample Dyeing Machine,and gets rid of their imperfections. There it is a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of technology of sample dyeing machine ,and it will Certainly bring about great economic and benefits for textile industry. (Main Advantages) 1、No pollution such ad lampblack.It is the ideal product of environmental protection. 2、It not only saves the expense on glycerin ,but also saves electricity bu 70% more than Conventional Glycerin Sample Dyeing Machine and 50% more than Infrared Sample Dyeing Machine. 3、High productive efficiency . They speed of temperature-increasing can reach more than 8%.During the period of temperature-decreasing and >100℃,the temperature-decreasing speed can more than 4.5℃ 4、You can do the tests under different liquor rations in same test ,and put in or take out dye pots in Different time 5、High accuracy and stability of temperature-controlling, whitch ensures fine reappearance and good even dyeing .It is able to act the inspector of other kinds of samle dyeing machine. 6、It adopts the totally new technlogy of temperature obesving and controlling,which ensures the high stability And long life duration of long-term run of the machine. (Main Technical parameter) Model | HT-12P | Number of dyeing cup | 12cups | Capable person of dyeing cup | 316L,formed by integral drawing | Cup specification | 300ml | Rotation speed | 0.2-60次/min | Temperature control range | Room temperature-140℃ | Temperrature control precision | ±05℃ | Speed of temperature rise | 0.2-4℃/min | Heating power | 4kw | Cooling method | Forced air-cooling | Heating medium | Infrared | Power supply | AC220V/380V | |