Potentiometric Titrations are useful for determining a sample's IEP. As mentioned above, the IEP may be desirable or otherwise. Potentiometric Titration plots may display plateau regions for Zeta potential vs. pH. Such measurements enable manufacturers to optimize use of acids or bases for transportation and storage. Figure 2 shows a potentiometric titration on a Ludox-TM silica sample by automatic addition of 1N HCl. This titration was performed automatically by a Zeta-APS, Zeta Acoustic Particle Sizer, instrument from Matec Applied Sciences, Northborough, MA USA 3. Figure 2 shows that below pH 4, the Zeta curve approaches a plateau region while Conductivity increases more rapidly. This suggests that the silica particles are becoming saturated with H+ ions as the pH is lowered. Conductivity increases more rapidly as more of these H+ ions stay in the continuous water solvent as opposed to diffusing through the slipping plane toward the particle surface.
電位滴定法可用于測定樣品的等電點。如上所述,IEP可能是可取的或者相反。電位滴定圖可以顯示Zeta電位與pH值之間的關系變化。這樣的測量使制造商通過酸或堿的使用,優化產品的運輸和儲存。圖2顯示在Ludox TM二氧化硅樣品上自動添加1N HCl時,Zeta電位及電導率的變化。該過程是由美國MAS公司生產的超聲電聲法粒度及Zeta電位分析儀Zeta-APS設備完成的。圖2顯示,在pH<4時,Zeta曲線接近一個穩定區域,而電導率增加得更快。這表明,隨著pH值的降低,二氧化硅顆粒逐漸被H+離子飽和。當更多的H+離子停留在連續的水溶劑中時,電導率增加得更快,而不是通過滑面向顆粒表面擴散。
圖2通過自動電位滴定法將1N HCl加入到10%體積的Ludox TM二氧化硅溶液中
Figure 2. Automatic potentiometric titration of 10%-vol Ludox-TM by 1N HCl addition.
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