主要特點: ◇全新設計---使用隔膜式精密計量泵,耐酸堿,免維護。 It is a maintenance free analyzer as its newest design of the precision meter pump. ◇大屏幕點陣液晶---顯示內容豐富,直觀。 The large LCD displays the abundance intuitionistic contents. ◇每次測量前進行一次精確標定---有效解決漂移問題,測量準確 Once precision calibration before each measuring solved the zero drift and enhanced the accuracy of the analyzer. ◇多通道功能---可編程選擇多點測量,zui多可至6路。 Its multi-channel function endues the user to program multi points measuring which up to 6 channels. ◇帶有數據存儲功能---zui少可保存壹年的歷史數據和歷史曲線。 It can store the history data and curve for at least one year. ◇盤式安裝,全鋁框箱體,結構緊湊。 It adopts the panel mounting method and the shell is a smart compact aluminum cabinet.
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